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Build a geocoding applicaton with Python

Temporal Python SDK


When it comes to building business process applications, coordinating all parts of the application from user interaction to API calls can be complex. Temporal shields you from these issues by providing reliability and operability.

In this tutorial, you'll build an application that does standard business tasks, such as getting input from a user and querying an API. Specifically, the application will ask the user for an API key and an address, then it will geocode the address using Geoapify.


Before starting this tutorial, complete the following 5 steps:

  1. Complete the tutorial to Set up a local development environment.
  2. Complete the Hello World tutorial.
  3. Install requests (tested with version 2.32.3).
pip install requests
  1. Get a Geoapify API key.
  2. Be sure the Temporal Service is running. If it isn't, run temporal server start-dev to start the Temporal Service.

Now that you have your environment ready, it's time to build an invincible geocoder.

Develop a Workflow to orchestrate your interactions with the user and the API

In this application, the Workflow coordinates the Activities of getting information from the user and querying the API.

Create a new file called and add the following code:

from datetime import timedelta
from temporalio import workflow

# Import activity, passing it through the sandbox without reloading the module
with workflow.unsafe.imports_passed_through():
from activities import (

_TIMEOUT_5_MINS = 5 * 60

# Decorator for the workflow class.
# This must be set on any registered workflow class.
class GeoCode:
"""The Workflow. Orchestrates the Activities."""

# Decorator for the workflow run method.
# This must be set on one and only one async method defined on the same class as @workflow.defn
async def run(self) -> list:
"""The run method of the Workflow."""

api_key_from_user = await workflow.execute_activity(

address_from_user = await workflow.execute_activity(

query_params = QueryParams(api_key=api_key_from_user, address=address_from_user)

lat_long = await workflow.execute_activity(

return lat_long

In this coode snippet, you decorated the GeoCode class with @workflow.defn, which tells Temporal that the class is a Workflow.

You decorated the run() method with, which tells Temporal that this method is the Workflow's run method. As mentioned in the code comment, you apply this decorator to exactly one method in the Workflow.

You passed the Activities into the calls to workflow.execute_activity(activity). If the Activities need arguments, pass them in after the Activity using workflow.execute_activity(activity, args*, ...), as shown in get_lat_long(). It's recommended to collapse multiple arguments into a single argument using a dataclass, which you did here with QueryParams.

With the skeleton in place, you can now develop the Activities.

Develop Activities to interact with the user and the API

In this section, you'll implement the Activities that interact with the outside world. The Workflow is doing the orchestration, and the Activities are doing the atomic actions.

Add the following to a new file called

from temporalio import activity

# Tells Temporal that this is an Activity
async def get_api_key_from_user() -> str:
return input("Please give your API key: ")

# Tells Temporal that this is an Activity
async def get_address_from_user() -> str:
return input("Please give an address: ")

The @activity.defn decorator tells Temporal that this function is an Activity.

You call these Activities in the Workflow you made earlier. After the Workflow calls them, it has the user's API key and address. Next, it calls an Activity called get_lat_long, with an argument of type QueryParams. You'll implement that next.

Add the following to the end of the file that you just made:

import requests
from dataclasses import dataclass

class QueryParams:
api_key: str
address: str

async def get_lat_long(query_params: QueryParams) -> list:
base_url = ""

params = {
"text": query_params.address,
"apiKey": query_params.api_key

response = requests.get(base_url, params=params, timeout=1000)

response_json = response.json()

lat_long = response_json['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates']

return lat_long

As mentioned before, condense the arguments to Activities into a dataclass. In this case, the Activity is an API call that needs the user's location and API key, so you'll bundle those as a data class. That's QueryParams.

Now that you have the Workflow and Actions, you need to run them. In the next section, you'll begin that process by making and running a Worker.

Create and run a Worker to host your Workflow and Activities

The Worker is the process that connects to the Temporal Service and listens on a Task Queue. Here is how you can make a Worker factory.

Make a new file called and enter the following:

from temporalio.client import Client
from temporalio.worker import Worker

from activities import get_address_from_user, get_api_key_from_user, get_lat_long
from workflow import GeoCode

def make_worker(client: Client):

worker = Worker(
activities=[get_address_from_user, get_api_key_from_user, get_lat_long]

return worker

The arguments are the following:

  • client, is the connection to the Temporal Service.
  • task_queue is the Task Queue that the Worker listens on (later, when you run the Workflow, you'll put items on that Task Queue).
  • workflows is the list of Workflows it can process.
  • activities is a list of Activities that it can work on.

Now that you have a factory to make a Worker, it's time to connect to the Temporal Service, use that factory to make a Worker, and run the Worker.

Make a new file called and enter the following:

import asyncio

from temporalio.client import Client

from make_worker import make_worker

async def main():

client = await Client.connect("localhost:7233", namespace="default")

worker = make_worker(client)


if __name__ == "__main__":

This snippet connects to the Temporal Service using Client.connect. For this to work, the Temporal Service needs to be running, as mentioned in the prerequisites.

Next, the code passes that client into the make_worker function you made earlier. This returns a Worker, which you use to call the .run() method. This is what makes the Worker run and start listening for work on the Task Queue. You will run it now.

  1. Open a new terminal (keep the service running in a different terminal).
  2. Navigate to the project directory, and run the following command (it won't output anything yet).

It will start listening, but it has nothing to do yet because there is nothing on the queue. You will fix that in the next section by running the Workflow.

Run the Workflow to execute the application

The last piece is executing the Workflow.

Enter the following code in a new file called

import asyncio

from workflow import GeoCode
from temporalio.client import Client

async def main():
# Create a client connected to the server at the given address
client = await Client.connect("localhost:7233")

# Execute a workflow
lat_long = await client.execute_workflow(, id="geocode-workflow", task_queue="geocode-task-queue"

print(f"Lat long: {lat_long}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

In this piece, you connect to the service, then call execute_workflow(). Its arguments are the following:

  • The Workflow method that you decorated with @workflow.defn.
  • The ID for the Workflow.
  • The Task Queue.

You're ready to run the code. Do the following 4 steps:

  1. Open a third terminal (the other two processes should still be running).
  2. Navigate to the project directory, and run the following command:

At this point, the application is running. If you look at the terminal that's running the Worker (not the terminal that's running the Workflow), it should be asking you for your API key.

  1. Enter the Geoapify API key mentioned in the prerequisites.

Next, it will ask you for an address.

  1. Enter an address.

It will query Geoapify to geocode the address, and it will print the latitude and longitude to the terminal running the Workflow.


You have built a business process application that runs invincibly with Temporal.

For more detail on how Temporal can help business process applications, please see Temporal's Chief Product Officer's discussion in The Top 3 Use Cases for Temporal (ft. Temporal PMs).

Next Steps

Try defining a Retry Policy and applying it to the Activities.

What does Temporal recommend to do in Activities instead of in Workflows? Which ones did you do in this tutorial?
Activities perform anything that may be non-deterministic, may fail, or may have side effects. This could be writing to disk, reading from a database, or getting information from a user. In this Activity, you got input from the user via the command line, and you queried a REST API.
What pieces of information does a Worker need when instantiated? This example had four.
  • A client/connection to the Temporal Service.
  • A Task Queue.
  • A list of Workflows.
  • A list of Activities.
How do you denote that a piece of Python code is a Workflow?
You decorate a class with the @workflow.defn decorator, and you decorate exactly one of its methods with